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THEORY: Most games create distances between players because each is working for the opposite goal-- I want you to lose; you want me to lose. Telepathy is a cooperative game, it brings us closer to each other -- we're both working towards the same goal of literally reading each other's minds...



1. Find a Partner to play with and start recording (audio or video)

2. Face each other. Each player thinks of a word. When they have it, they snap their fingers. When both of you snap your fingers, count together 3-2-1, and each of you say your word at the same time.

3. Now each of you think of a word that somehow goes in between those two words, connecting them in some way (e.g. if you said DOG and I said HOUSE, a connecting word might be PET.) Keep going until both of you say the same word -- that's when you've read each other's minds (sorta)!


4. Upload recording.

5. WRITE a 500 word reflection: How did this game compare to most games you play? Was it fun even though it wasn't competitive? What do you think would happen to your relationships if the people in your life had telepathy and would instantly know ALL of your thoughts? What do you think would happen to the world at large?


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