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THEORY: Today focus a bit more on part 4: At the end of any questions, discuss what it was like to respond to that question. In so doing, you're pivoting from the content of the conversation to the conversation itself, leading you to reflect on the nature of intimate conversations. Further, they say you only really understand something when you teach it. So today you're going to explain to your partner something you've learned in the course so far.



1. Find a partner and start recording. RECORDINGS SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 30 MINUTES (Feel free to do multiple sessions, so long as they all add up to 30 minutes). 

2. Start out by choosing something you've learned so far in the course and sharing it with your partner. Ask them what they think. Give these conversations as much time as they need -- in fact, if that was all you did for the whole 1/2 hour, that would be just fine. If you finish up before the 1/2 hour mark, then turn to the And cards.  

2. Deal each of you 10 "THE AND" cards.

3. Each of you takes turns choosing a card they want to ask the other. Ask each other the questions posed on the cards. Go as deep as you can. (Then go deeper.) You can modify questions as appropriate.  Now YOU answer the question deeply as well. 

4. Discuss with your partner what it was like to respond to that question and hear their response. (e.g. Were you nervous? Why? Was it liberating? How so?)

5. Keep going until you reach the 1/2 hour mark. Again, remember that we're looking for depth, not breadth. If you get through only a few cards, or even just one, that's totally fine.

5. Write a 500 word reflection on that experience: What shifted in your relationship through this conversation? What did you learn about your conversation partner? About yourself?

6. Upload the recording onto a cloud platform and include a shareable link in your written reflection.

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