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THEORY:  SAYING the UnSaid. Today might get a bit intense. Strap in!



1. Find a partner and start recording. RECORDINGS SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 30 MINUTES (Feel free to do multiple sessions, so long as they all add up to 30 MINUTES).

2. Explain to your partner something you learned in this class since the previous The And session. End your explanation with a pointed question that will serve as a foundation of a conversation. Once again, feel free to have this part dominate the entire 1/2 hour. If you're finished this part before the 30 minutes are up, then turn to The And cards.

2. Deal each player 10 "THE AND" cards and play as you've done previously (ask each other the questions, go deeper, discuss what it was like to answer them/listen to the others' answers, etc.).

3. Here's the Saying the UnSaid part. Ask yourself, then ask your partner, if there was anything left unSaid in this session, or perhaps if there's anything unSaid in your entire relationship. If either of you say yes, follow-up by asking, yourself and your partner, if you could say it now, and if not, if you could take any step in the direction of saying it.

5. Write a 500 word reflection on that experience: What shifted in your relationship through this conversation? What did you learn about your conversation partner? About yourself?

6. Upload the recording and the written reflection.

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