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THEORY: Remember how I said The And cards are like bridge cards to abstract philosophical conversations? Today you're going to incorporate one of the most quintessential (important) philosophical questions: "What is X?" (e.g. What is Love? What is Justice? What is Happiness? What is a human?) 



1. Find a partner and start recording. RECORDINGS SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 30 MINUTES (As usual, feel free to do multiple sessions, so long as they all add up to 30 MINUTES).

2. Once again, discuss something you learned since the last the AND session and, as usual, if the conversation goes past 1/2 hour, please move on to the And cards.

2. Play the And as you have previously (deal 10 cards, etc.), except this time, after each player answers a question, the other partner will pick a word, either from their answer or from the question, and ask their partner: "What is ..." that word. (E.g. If the question was: "What do you love about your family?," after your partner answers, you might ask in response: "What is family?" or "What is love?" Or perhaps in their answer was the word "Safety" -- like "What I love about my family is that they make me feel safety" you might decide to ask: "What is safety?"

3. Discuss with your partner what it was like to "get philosophical" today.

5. Write a 500 word reflection on that experience. Include in your reflection an answer to this question: What difference did the philosophical questions make in your relationship with them? 

6. Upload a shareable link to the recording and include it in the written reflection.

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